8-10 Mansfield. St, Thornbury 3071.

Embodied Breath Based Psychotherapy

Making the choice to enter into therapy requires courage and curiosity. 

Our work is grounded in the breath and  focusses on direct and embodied experience.

Processwork encourages a wholistic approach. We will work with body, mind and spirit, awakening a deeper understanding of your own inner processes and to set you free from narratives and trauma which no longer hold power. 


About Anthony Olsen

I am a Melbourne based Psychotherapist, Acupuncturist and Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. I work from a Gestalt informed, Process Oriented, Transpersonal lense which also draws it's roots from Traditional Chinese Medicine. I practice an awareness based approach that utilises the breath and the body to facilitate healing and transformation.

I have been working in the fields of healing and personal development since the late 1990's.

Services &  Modalities

Psychotherapy & Counselling

Psychotherapy & Counselling

One on one counselling and psychotherapy sessions in Melbourne aimed at helping you to develop greater awareness, process unresolved life experience a...

Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic Breathwork

A powerful breathing technique that can facilitate experience of profound non-ordinary states of consciousness. Available in workshops and one on one...

Couples Breathwork Therapy Sessions

Couples Breathwork Therapy Sessions

Holotropic Breathwork for Couples Combining Holotropic Breathwork with ongoing couples work to expand and deepen connection, communication and underst...

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Integration

It's no secret that psychedelics have been undergoing a resurgence in popular culture over the last decade. New science has been revealing what psycho...

Men's Groups

Men's Groups

Experiential listening circles crafted to open ways for men to connect and create deeper connections. Workshops are held periodically throughout the y...


Upcoming Events

Bali Water Blessing and Breathwork Retreat

Bali Water Blessing and Breathwork Retreat

A 5 day Holotropic Breathwork Retreat in Ubud, Bali. The retreat will also offer cultural experiences and teachings to explore healing the wounds we h...

WA Holotropic Breathwork Retreat

WA Holotropic Breathwork Retreat

We are excited to announce that we will be having another breathwork workshop in Western Australia this year.

Navigating Psychedelics: What You Need to Know Before Taking the Plunge

Navigating Psychedelics: What You Need to Know Before Taking the Plunge

Embarking on a psychedelic journey is an extraordinary and potentially life-altering experience. However, it is essential to approach these substances...

What are the core integration practices of psychedlic therapy?

What are the core integration practices of psychedlic therapy?

While the specific integration practices may vary among therapists and modalities, there are several core principles commonly employed in psychedelic...

Christina Grof and Spiritual Emergency

Christina Grof and Spiritual Emergency

Christina Grof is a renowned author, speaker, and pioneer in the field of transpersonal psychology and spiritual emergence. With a deep passion for pe...

Book Review: "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine"

Book Review: "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine"

"King, Warrior, Magician, Lover" by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette is a profound exploration of the archetypes that shape the mature masculine psyc...

Polyvagal Theory, deep listening and Men's groups

Polyvagal Theory, deep listening and Men's groups

In today's society, men often face unique challenges in navigating their masculinity, emotional expression, and personal growth. Fortunately, men's gr...

Exploring Gestalt Therapy: Embracing Relational Healing

Exploring Gestalt Therapy: Embracing Relational Healing

In the field of psychology, there is a multitude of therapeutic approaches available to support individuals in their healing journey. One such approac...


Workshops & Events

Find out what's happening at Melbourne Processwork and Melbourne Breathwork by signing up to the newsletter below.

8-10 Mansfield. St Thornbury Victoria Australia 3071