8-10 Mansfield. St, Thornbury 3071.

Men's Circles and Groups

Deep listening circles aimed at providing a container for men

to develop intimacy and greater relational awareness.

It's not an understatement to suggest that the last 20 years has seen a huge change in awareness of the role of Men in society. Men are often being called to extend and deepen the way they are in the world, and explore ways to embody what might be called a more healthy masculinity. These groups have been created to provide a safe and supportive container for this exploration.

What are they and when are they held?

Series of groups are held throughout the year around specific topics such as The Mature Masculine Archetypes, The Hero's Journey, The Family System, Work and more. They are experiential sessions that may include meditation, music, movies, ritual and deep listening, that are aimed at providing an opportunity for like minded men to meet and share life experience in a non-judgemental forum.

Each session follows the following format.

  • Introduction of the topic
  • Reflective process exploring the topic - through music, movie or meditation
  • Some small group sharing
  • Larger group discussion of each participants life experience
  • Then a more general discussion on the topic before the close.

Participants are encouraged to share from their personal experience and to try and avoid theory and philosophy as a way of engaging in the topic. When we are able to stay as close to our experience as possible it opens up the possibility of creating more intimate relationships around us.

It is important to note that these sessions are also not therapy groups. The circle's are held in a deeply democratic fashion with the belief that each participant has an important contribution to make in the group. Each contribution is respected and listened to in a way that ensures the group remains open to a diverse range of experiences.

Men's Groups in 2023